The Tennessee Valley Industrial Committee (TVIC) is the voice of large, energy-intensive industry in the Tennessee Valley Authority power service area that purchase electricity directly from TVA. TVIC's primary mission is to seek and maintain competitive electric rates from TVA in order to preserve and expand jobs in the region.
Who Is TVIC?
TVIC is comprised of 35-member companies with numerous operating locations/facilities in the TVA service areas involved in the production of primary metals, chemicals, industrial gases, forest products, automotives, and data management services.
In FY’23, TVA’s direct-served and federal customers purchased more than 21 million MWh of electricity, at a cost of $864 million, from TVA, or approximately thirteen percent (13%) of TVA’s total power output in the most recent TVA fiscal year ended September 30, 2023.
Member companies have an estimated 26,000-plus employees in predominantly high wage and salary positions that help support the economy in communities throughout the TVA service area.
Member companies help keep electric rates lower than they would otherwise be for all customers by providing interruptible load which helps TVA operate a more efficient and reliable system and by utilizing significant amounts of power at night.
Member companies operate domestically and globally, and competitive power rates and a reliable power supply are major factors when determining locations for these energy-intensive facilities.